Event Description
Diverse AEC professionals - from real estate to deconstruction - gathered to discuss the transfer of ownership in a Chicago building's lifecycle. By tracing reused materials from their source to local or regional end markets, Ownership explored the economic realities that govern the salvage industry. Audience members gained insight into the nuances of materials ownership, community wealth, and private value.
Discussion Prompt:
When a structure is vacant, foreclosed, or slated for demolition, who owns the materials inside? How can reuse of these materials catalyze local economic growth?
carla bruni
Heritage Conservation &
Sustainability Consultant
Dan BRoughton
Vice President
T2 Properties
STOCKYARDS BRICK reclaims vintage brick, stone, granite, limestone, and architectural artifacts from structures scheduled for demolition throughout the Midwest. OWNERSHIP will be hosted at their Back of the Yards processing facility, which was recently a featured venue of Open House Chicago. From building procurement, to deconstruction, to materials reprocessing, Stockyards ensures that the “bones” of beautiful old buildings have an extended life. We hope you take advantage of this unique opportunity to visit an operational salvage facility.